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40 times STRONGER then DIAMOND, LIGHTEST, SAFEST. Know how GRAPHENE can transform our future.

What is Graphene and how it can change the future

One of the most amazing and future transforming material graphene, in
 fact, we somehow already using it in our day to day lives in its other form. It is an allotrope of carbon and majorly extracted from graphite, as graphite composed of stacked layers of sheets of carbon and if we take out one single sheet from graphite it is called graphene, it has 2d shaped structure and one of the materials who have 2d structure, the atom of graphene is accessible from both sides that make it more sensible towards its surrounding, this makes its application in various electronic sensors and devices. It is the strongest material ever discovered until now even 40 times harder than diamond, the bonds between its carbon-carbon atom are stronger than bonds in any other atom which contributes its enormous strength and the factor that makes it lightweight is its sheet-like structure. It also has one free electron per atom of carbon which enables it to conduct electricity easily, even making it a good conductor of electricity and it also shows good thermal conductivity and thermal stability.
 Graphene is a disruptive technology that can replace or modify nearly all technology, due to its amazing properties it has a wide range of applications taking from techie things to our day to day lives.
later in the article, I have mentioned how and where we will be going to use it.

Graphene structure:

it has 2d shaped structure where atoms arranged in hexagonal design its sheet-like 2d structure adds more to its uniqueness, each carbon atom is covalently bonded to its three neighbor carbon atoms and the bonds between these carbon atoms is very much strong than any other atomic bond, as it has one electron remains unbonded that contributes to its high electrical conductivity. 

Application of graphene:

Transport, medicine, electronics, energy, defense, desalination, etc. are some of the examples of industries where graphene research can make significant changes and development. 

In the medical field :

Graphene's unique characteristics make it best suitable for use in the various important biomedical field. Graphene-based materials pristine graphene sheets, few-layer graphene flakes, and graphene oxide and another such compound can be used effectively in the biomedical field, more research needs to be done and for graphene in the medical field as it is very thin and has very great tensile strength, many equipments and medical machine can be modified or upgrade.

Graphene-based composite materials:

As graphene has so enormous strength, with high electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and also great tensile strength which enables it to best suitable for making composite materials and unleashing the potential of graphene, it can considerably enhance the existing materials and even replace them. In the field of electronics it can make a drastic change, we can have supercapacitors, long-life batteries with backup 20 times more than the batteries we currently using, we can develop flexible and unbreakable transparent screens which will create a huge change in smartphones and other digital devices. Graphene certainly replaces all the existing materials we using currently and also will make the gadgets available at very cheap rates. Researchers have already developed samples of such screens, batteries, capacitors, and conductors.

No to Rust with graphene:

Combining the graphene with painting materials, a unique graphene coating is formed which can save the materials from rust. As it can prevent or block the air and water molecule to react, which is the main reason of rusting.

 Graphene as Weather protecting and packaging:

 Graphene can be used as the weatherproofing and packaging materials, graphene-based composite materials can be used for that purpose, as graphene has very thin structure and great flexibility mixing it with other weatherproofing materials can increase their ability, and we can use them at painting our homes, rust threatening things, etc. The same property of graphene can make an application in packaging various fragile and foodstuffs, it can stop the incursion of water and air molecules and preventing various food items to go waste.  

Graphene in Vehicles and Defense:

Graphene as it best discovered for its unbelievable strength, it can be used in making solid more stronger, it can increase the strengths of solids to a tremendous level with 10 times lesser weight the original. Making Vehicles and defense arms with graphene-based composite materials will also decrease the burden of cost as well as strengthen the materials with less weight. It can totally create a drastic change n the economy of my country. Wonder if we have aircraft as the weight of a bus, it not only increases its strength but total efficiency and range this could result in record-breaking strongest, lightest, efficient vehicle and aircraft.


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