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The real cause of sevre Pollution in Delhi: Stubble Burning

A public health emergency has been declared due to the increasing level of Air Pollution,the school has been closed and all the industrial, activity and other activity which cause to rise more pollution has been stoped for a while, after 4th November there will be odd-even scheme again, It's very evident the pollution is on the alarming level.

What causing the pollution happening every year, If we compare the data of previous years, is the condition improving or getting more worse. Air pollution is just not the issue of any city, area or country, it is a global issue and, India always among in the top in increasing the pollution.

The main cause of the severe level of pollution in Delhi

 Talking about Delhi, Delhi is not primarily city to focus on Air pollution, According to the reports of the Central Pollution Board as O 20th October 2019 Varanasi has the most polluted air in the country, but the reasons are unknown why media always focuses more on Delhi, this may be fortunate for Delhi because it causes the graded action plan whenever there is this type of condition arrive, in this plan there certain strict action is taken all the pollution causing activity get stopped. Unfortunately, such measures are not taken for the other polluted cities where their pollution is at more severe levels, people thin that this is just happening in Delhi and they are little safe, but this is the national issue, it's is affecting all over India and just because media is focusing on certain cities we are not giving it much attention.
 A government agency named SAFAR( System of Air Quality and Wheather Forecasting) measures the air quality and conduct the researches on it, the reports of SAfAR says that the hike in pollution level in delhi is just not because of delhi, 46% of its rise in polltuon is causing by the stubble burning in Haryana and Punjab. The Hourly or daily measure of pollution shows the hike in pollution on Diwali's night, it is sure that Diwali has contributed to the pollution much, but if we see the yearly pollution then crackers on Diwali were not alone in polluting Delhi's Air. As the Season of Diwali and stubble burning came in the same month, and combining both resulted in the severe level of pollution in Delhi.
The data below you can see the hike in stubble burning, in 2016-2018 the rate of stubble burning was declining but in 2019 it increasing again, which directly causing the increase of pollution in Delhi day by day, because of the flow of air carrying the smog towards the center and where at the delhi it is getting trapped.
 The main reason of stubbble burning is incrasing nowa days is because of the advancement of mechanical tools, which is causing the crop cut half, and to save the time and earning more, farmer leaving the traditional crop cutting method and adopting the fast and less time and energy-consuming  technology and as the machinery cut the crop just 2 feet above, leaving the stubble behind. And to clear that stubble farmer directly burns it rather then investing time in cutting it more.
 Stubble burning gained more popularity after the 2009 legislation of not allowing the sowing ofthe crop before the mansoon. As the Sowing of the crop dealyed then it's harvesting will also be dealyed
and the gap of sowing the next crop will ultimately very small. And so they left with no ption, other then to adopt stubble burinig and sowing the next crop as soon as possible.

Solution Implementation:-

The govt. Realisng this also has taken some step to stop stubble burning, govt. had imposed fined, whoever was doing stubble burning,
but farmer find this more profitable, then stoping stubble burning.
 Another method is to collect the stubble and use it for energy production, but govt. has not taken much effective steps to promote it.
 One of the efficent method that could help in stopping stubble burning is a happy seeder. Happy seeder is the machine, which uses the left out stubble and uses it as the fertalizer in the same land.
 Leaving the stubble burning as the cause of pollution in delhi and measurng the other sources, then there is a positive sign of decreasing the pollution level caused by other sources,
 it is decrease aroud 25% as compared to 2016-27-18 average pollution.

Air Quality Index:-

Data of Pollution Level in Delhi NCR:-


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